Friday, December 16, 2022

The Fighting Cheyennes by George Bird Grinell

George Bird Grinnell (1849 – 1938) was an American anthropologist, historian, naturalist, and writer. Grinnell was born in Brooklyn, New York, and graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in 1870 and a Ph.D. in 1880. Originally specializing in zoology, he became a prominent early conservationist and student of Native American life. Grinnell has been recognized for his influence on public opinion and work on legislation to preserve the American bison. Mount Grinnell in Glacier National Park in Montana is named after Grinnell. This book provides considerable information on Cheyenne warfare history, including inter-tribal battles and their response to intrusion of their traditional lands by European/Americans. Based on eyewitness accounts, it is a good read for anyone interested in Native American history.

The Fighting Cheyennes at : Library of Congress

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