Thursday, January 5, 2023

XTR Pepo

Pepo Rosell, born in France soon went to live in Spain. First biologist, working in scientific research in aquaculture, he finally started working on his other passion: Motorcycles

He first worked with two Spanish Ducati importers and finally decided to start his own business. It was in 1996 and what he wanted was to do something different and special with the standard bikes, outside the norms. Preparing them for competition or street use.

In 2001 he went further and founded Radical Ducati, he decided to manufacture entire motorcycles with his own brand. After 13 years of frenetic activity being at the top of the world builders, he had to stop, reconsider and rethink his life.

In the end he saw that motorcycles were his life and at the beginning of 2015, he restarted his activity with XTR PEPO. With a new vision…. Less business and more fun 

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