Our WebWorld; a lot of us are spending a couple of minutes or hours everyday checking our favourite websites or blogs but who are behind them ? Most part of the time we dont really know.
To find out what's going on behind the screen, i’m starting a serie of portrait of the Men and Women who are making the blogosphere better, for this fourth Portrait, i asked my friend Paul D'Orleans from the Vintagent to go thru the Proust-Pivot-Lipton Questionnaire to let us know more about himself, Paul has an amazing passion for all things motorcycle which he brings to vivid life in person and on camera, and here is his answers.

1 What is your favorite word? Yes!
2 What is your least favorite word? Schmetterlink; can it be said with tenderness? No.
3 What turns you on? Eros itself; surging life force.
4 What turns you off? A closed mind. A bad attitude. A fixed opinion. Hate for no reason.
5 What sound or noise do you love? A child's laughter.
6 What sound or noise do you hate? Street cleaning trucks; I have a panic response, from so many parking tickets in San Francisco. Is my car on the right side of the street this morning?
7 What is your favorite curse word? Fuck. Which is such a contradiction.
8 What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I can't imagine anything I'd rather do than vagabonding motorcycle rider/writer/cultural observer.
9 What profession would you not like to do? Any which binds me to a desk or keeps me in one place.
10 If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I liked your work; let me show you the source of Beauty.
See also : Chris Hunter from the Bike Exif
See also : Nick Maggio from A Time To Get
See also : Jeff Decker from the Hippodrome Studio
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