Friday, February 19, 2010

P 47


The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, also known as the "Jug," was the biggest, heaviest, and most expensive fighter aircraft in history to be powered by a single reciprocating engine. It was one of the main United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) fighters of World War II, and also served with other Allied air forces. The P-47 was effective in air combat but proved especially adept at ground attack. It had eight .50-caliber machine guns, four per wing. When fully loaded the P-47 could weigh up to eight tons. A modern-day counterpart in that role, the A-10 Thunderbolt II, takes its name from the P-47.

As Mc Dreamer remarks, the picture above is not a P47, its a P51 Mustang. Here is a picture of a P47. Thanks Mc for your comment.



Gaston Vanzet said...

That is not a P47 is a P51 Mustang. A very different plane.

Motart said...

Hi MC Dreamer, thank you so much for your comment. How did i make this mistake ... ?
Cheers, Frank

Motart said...

Hi MC very nice blog too. Will put te link on my blog

Gaston Vanzet said...

Have a look at my site Frank there might be something of interest to Motart fans on there.

I can send you some bigger files if you like.


Anonymous said...

Hi MC Dreamer,
From where you have taken this much knowledge?