Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Who is Jee Vice?


Jee Vice is a new designer on the scene and already their sunglasses have been sported by celeb names such as Anne Hathaway and Lindsay Lohan. Jee Vice are strictly for women. Their mission statement is all about empowering women. They hope their influential designs will inspire and enhance passion and commitment in womens lives. Its like the all new re-vamped girl power for the elite 21st century woman. Already well established as a designer brand, Rhianna has even been spotted wearing a pair of large square frames.If theres one thing Jee Vice are, its Passionate and these frames reflect what Jee Vice is about down to a T.
Only established in 2003, Jee Vice has already achieved flagship status with independent women around the world. They absolutely bleed passion for what they are about which makes me even more intrigues and interested in this brand. What do I think? Expect big things.
via : the sunglasses-shop


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