Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kim Phuc


AP Photo/Nick Ut

Television crews and South Vietnamese troops surround 9 year old Kim Phuc on Route 1 near Trang Bang after she was burned by a misdirected aerial napalm attack, June 8, 1972.
On the first picture The children from left to right are:
Phan Thanh Tam, younger brother of Kim Phuc, who lost an eye, Phan Thanh Phouc, youngest brother of Kim Phuc, Kim Phuc, and Kim's cousins Ho Van Bon, and Ho Thi Ting.
Behind them are soldiers of the Vietnam Army 25th Division.


1 comment:

Thomas "Burrito Bros." said...

I 've seen this photo so often and I saw also Kim at TV Talk sometimes, so I should know it. But everytime looking at this photos it is the same. Terrible & takin' the breath away.