Tuesday, May 31, 2011

John Culqui


John Culqui is a tal­ented Cal­i­for­nia surfer/artist who cre­ates fresh, col­or­ful paint­ings that depict the stoke of surf­ing. John was born in Lennox, California. John is a first-generation Ecuadorian American and the youngest of eight children. His exposure to the arts began at home as he observed his mother designing custom dresses for her clients and his father, a master jeweler, creating new pieces. John's family maintained their South American heritage while assimilating themselves to American cultural. This dual tradition would become the catalyst for John's artistic endeavors.


1 comment:

Patrick Flynn said...

So sick. The dude on the moto looks like me, down to the striped shirt and sleazy mustache. Loving it!!