Sunday, June 23, 2013

Laurent Roy Photographer of our Dream


Laurent begins with Photography at the age of eight, with four components: a camera, a cell to measure light, film, and a father who teach him how it all works together. At the time, no automatic, all settings are done manually. It is therefore to assimilate the impact of adjustments to the result to be able to choose the ones that give the expected picture.

Laurent goes in exploring the world of photography and its endless possibilities, testing both techniques the most diverse subjects, photographing a bit of everything, from landscape to portrait, through rusting cars and motorcycles , old and new, rare or common, stop or action, while using the most diverse techniques such as macro and stereo photography, panoramic photography, various ways to use the flash, and the light of more generally ...

On the hardware side, it is mainly equipped with a Nikon D5200, objectives covering focal lengths from 10mm to 400mm (15 to 600mm equivalent 24x36), a flash powerful enough, strong tripod complete with a small tripod table, a tripod panoramic head of his manufacture, and an extension ring for macro ...
For more information: for his photos (over 2,800 photos that day, plus all those late and future)

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