Thursday, November 17, 2016

Brokoa Rawing Boat


The Brokoa rawing-boat is the replica of a 19th century Biscayan boat (txalupa handia), built identically in 1991 by the association Itsas Begia, on the occasion of the Boats of the coasts of France competition in Brest 1992, of which she Received the 2nd prize in his category and 4 special mentions. Based on a 1878 plan, supplied for the San Sebastian Aquarium, the half-hull of the Brokoa boat made it possible to rework the forms of the boat in order to adapt them to those of the Socoa launches. It is a bridged model of 13.72m long by 3m wide, rigged by 2 sails in the third, and armed in rowing. These boats have participated in the whole history of Basque fishing (whale, cod, etc.). From the 19th century, they practiced a coastal fishery which allowed them to take, from November to May, sea bream, skate, conger, meager, hake, grondin and other groundfish. From June to October they caught bluefin tuna and bluefin tuna in the Bay of Biscay.Its construction in 1991 was supported by local authorities and by the population through a subscription. It holds an absolute record of the crossing of the Bay of Biscay in August 2006.The Brokoa launch was labeled a "patrimonial interest boat" (BIP) by the Maritime and River Heritage Foundation in December 2007. She is an ambassador for Basque maritime heritage in traditional nautical events.

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