Our WebWorld; a lot of us are spending a couple of minutes or hours everyday checking our favourite websites or blogs but who are behind them ? Most part of the time we dont really know.
To find out what's going on behind the screen, i started a serie of portrait of the Men and Women who are making the blogosphere better, for this eighth Portrait, i asked Greg Williams to go thru the Proust-Pivot-Lipton Questionnaire to let us know more about himself. Greg is the Man behind www.gregwilliams.ca and www.modernmotorcyclemechanics.com he is a professional writer, living in Calgary, Alberta, his main area of interest is automotive and motorcycle journalism.

Frank, great to hear from you, thanks so much for the opportunity! Please see a brief write up, and my answers below.
All the best, Greg
This really gets me thinking, and I’ll try and do this without over-thinking the exercise.
I’ve spent close to two decades writing about motorcycles and automobiles, mostly for newspapers and magazines. But what I’ve been most passionate about are older motorcycles and the people who are involved with them – without the individual, the machines are nothing. They have to be caressed and fettled. They have to be ridden. And I believe everyone has a story to tell -- you just have to ask.
I write for the Calgary Herald’s Driving section, Motorcycle Classics, American Iron Magazine, Cycle Canada and The Antique Motorcycle, and I have to pinch myself every morning to make sure I’m not dreaming.
Finally, this is a real honour to be included. Paul d’Orleans and his words and photos haunt my sleep at night, and Jeff Decker is a very gifted artist – the talent pool here is very humbling, and I can’t help but think I’m not worthy. But I’ll take it anyway, and thanks for the opportunity, Frank!
1) What is your favorite word? Freedom
2) What is your least favorite word? Can’t
3) What turns you on? People with an open attitude
4) What turns you off? People with a sense of entitlement
5) What sound or noise do you love? A symphony of pistons
6) What sound or noise do you hate? That same symphony dying a slow and painful death
7) What is your favorite curse word? Fuck – although it is overused, I use it all the time.
8) What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Machinist, but I have to admit I really love what I do
9) What profession would you not like to do? Every profession is a necessary evil – but I’d not want to punch a clock
10) If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I’ve tried so many times, and finally you’re here (to quote Depeche Mode, I think that God’s got a sick sense of humour, And when I die, I expect to find him lauging
See also : Paul D'Orleans from the Vintagent
See also : Chris Hunter from the Bike Exif
See also : Nick Maggio from A Time To Get
See also : Jeff Decker from the Hippodrome Studio
See also : Christophe Loiron From Mister Freedom
See also : Jacqui Van Ham from thevintageadvantage
See also : Steve Ducharme from Motorcycle Picture of the Day
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